Friday, March 13, 2009

On High School

I've been in charter schools since 7th grade so i didn't really believe all the stories of crazy kids on campus. Most of the schools i went to were moderate but still they're where i learned all the stupid stuff i know.
Then i heard about Tim Bueler who challenged his teachers' omniscience and started a conservative hotline for kids to rat out bad teachers that pushed liberal ideas on the kids during instruction time.
That got me excited and i decided that, since i still had a couple of years in high school, i would go to my local high school and try the same thing. It didn't turn out exactly as i thought it might, but i did learn some valuables things which you can benefit from.

1. You must have a well-defined plan and goal. When you have a purpose decisions are easier to make.

2. You must be ready to preach the gospel at every opportunity that comes up. (there are many)

3. You should have a good partner that's in it "all the way". (best if in the same classes)

4. You must challenge the teacher and even the whole class on subjects that contradict Biblical teaching.

5. Over all you must not be afraid of "what man can do". That means you should be ready to sacrifice your good grades for Jesus Christ, and don't give in to peer pressure even on small matters. (like changing in the locker room; i hated that so i just went into a bathroom stall to change)

As for the enviornment in a high school, it is horrible! Simply oppressive!. I felt like Lot in Sodom. The girls dress like prostitutes and the guys like hoboes. Every day at least one kid gets caught with drugs, not to mention the ones that get away regularly. Everywhere you turn there are people making out.
If you notice, these are vices. As for virtues like respect, (for elders and peers) obedience honesty, respect, willingness to learn, purity, respect, morality, and selflessness are unheard of. Its disgusting and i'm glad i finally got out of there!

Pray for those that haven't.

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