Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
For Guys Only: The Marks of Manhood by Dr. Albert Mohler

When does a boy become a man? The answer to this must go far beyond biology and chronological age. As defined in the Bible, manhood is a functional reality, demonstrated in a man's fulfillment of responsibility and leadership. With this in mind, let me suggest thirteen marks of biblical manhood. The achievement of these vital qualities marks the emergence of a man who will demonstrate true biblical masculinity.
1. Spiritual maturity sufficient to lead a wife and children.
The Bible is clear about a man's responsibility to exercise spiritual maturity and spiritual leadership. Of course, this spiritual maturity takes time to develop, and it is a gift of the Holy Spirit working within the life of the believer. The disciplines of the Christian life, including prayer and serious Bible study, are among the means God uses to mold a boy into a man and to bring spiritual maturity into the life of one who is charged to lead a wife and family. This spiritual leadership is central to the Christian vision of marriage and family life. A man's spiritual leadership is not a matter of dictatorial power, but of firm and credible spiritual leadership and influence. A man must be ready to lead his wife and his children in a way that will honor God, demonstrate godliness, inculcate Christian character and lead his family to desire Christ and to seek God's glory. Spiritual maturity is a mark of true Christian manhood, and a spiritually immature man is, in at least this crucial sense, spiritually just a boy.
2. Personal maturity sufficient to be a responsible husband and father.
True masculinity is not a matter of exhibiting supposedly masculine characteristics devoid of the context of responsibility. In the Bible, a man is called to fulfill his role as husband and father. Unless granted the gift of celibacy for gospel service, the Christian boy is to aim for marriage and fatherhood. This is assuredly a counter-cultural assertion, but the role of husband and father is central to manhood. Marriage is unparalleled in its effect on men, as it channels their energies and directs their responsibilities to the devoted covenant of marriage and the grace-filled civilization of the family. They must aspire to be the kind of man a Christian woman would gladly marry and children will trust, respect, and obey.
3. Economic maturity sufficient to hold an adult job and handle money.
Advertisers and marketers know where to aim their messages — directly at adolescent boys and young men. This particular segment of the population is inordinately attracted to material goods, popular entertainment, sporting events and other consumer options. The portrait of young manhood made popular in the media and presented as normal through entertainment is characterized by economic carelessness, self-centeredness and laziness. A real man knows how to hold a job, handle money with responsibility and take care of the needs of his wife and family. A failure to develop economic maturity means that young men often float from job to job, and take years to "find themselves" in terms of career and vocation. Once again, an extended adolescence marks a huge segment of today's young male population. Slothfulness, laziness and economic carelessness are marks of immaturity. A real man knows how to earn, manage and respect money. A Christian man understands the danger that comes from the love of money, and fulfills his responsibility as a Christian steward.
4. Physical maturity sufficient to work and protect a family.
Unless afflicted by injury or illness, a boy should develop the physical maturity that, by stature and strength, marks recognizable manhood. Of course, men come in many sizes and demonstrate different levels of physical strength, but common to all men is a maturity, through which a man demonstrates his masculinity by movement, confidence and strength. A man must be ready to put his physical strength on the line to protect his wife and children and to fulfill his God-assigned tasks. A boy must be taught to channel his developing strength and emerging size into a self-consciousness of responsibility, recognizing that adult strength is to be combined with adult responsibility and true maturity.
5. Sexual maturity sufficient to marry and fulfill God's purposes.
Even as the society celebrates sex in every form and at every age, the true Christian man practices sexual integrity, avoiding pornography, fornication, all forms of sexual promiscuity and corruption. He understands the danger of lust, but rejoices in the sexual capacity and reproductive power God has put within him, committing himself to find a wife, and to earn her love, trust and admiration — and eventually to win her hand in marriage. It’s critical that men respect this incredible gift, and to protect this gift until, within the context of holy marriage, they are able to fulfill this gift, love their wives, and look to God's gift of children. Male sexuality separated from the context and integrity of marriage is an explosive and dangerous reality. The boy must understand, even as he travels through the road of puberty and an awakened sexuality, that he is accountable to God for his stewardship of this great gift.
6. Moral maturity sufficient to lead as example of righteousness.
Stereotypical behavior on the part of young males is, in the main, marked by recklessness, irresponsibility and worse. As a boy grows into manhood, he must develop moral maturity as he aspires to righteousness, learning to think like a Christian, act like a Christian and show others how to do the same. The Christian man is to be an example to others, teaching by both precept and example. Of course, this requires the exercise of responsible moral reasoning. True moral education begins with a clear understanding of moral standards, but must move to the higher level of moral reasoning by which a young man learns how biblical principles are translated into godly living and how the moral challenges of his day must be met with the truths revealed in God's inerrant and infallible word.
7. Ethical maturity sufficient to make responsible decisions.
To be a man is to make decisions. One of the most fundamental tasks of leadership is decision-making. The indecisiveness of so many contemporary males is evidence of a stunted manhood. Of course, a man does not rush to a decision without thought, consideration or care, but a man does put himself on the line in making a decision — and making it stick. This requires an extension of moral responsibility into mature ethical decision-making that brings glory to God, is faithful to God's word and is open to moral scrutiny. A real man knows how to make a decision and live with its consequences — even if that means that he must later acknowledge that he has learned by making a bad decision, and then by making the appropriate correction.
8. Worldview maturity sufficient to understand what is really important.
An inversion of values marks our postmodern age, and the predicament of modern manhood is made all the more perplexing by the fact that many men lack the capacity of consistent worldview thinking. For the Christian, this is doubly tragic, for our Christian discipleship must be demonstrated in the development of a Christian mind. The Christian man must understand how to interpret and evaluate issues across the spectrum of politics, economics, morality, entertainment, education and a seemingly endless list of other fields. The absence of consistent biblical worldview thinking is a key mark of spiritual immaturity. A boy must learn how to translate Christian truth into genuine Christian thinking. He must learn how to defend biblical truth before his peers and in the public square, and he must acquire the ability to extend Christian thinking, based on biblical principles, to every arena of life.
9. Relational maturity sufficient to understand and respect others.
Psychologists now talk of "emotional intelligence," or EQ, as a major factor in personal development. While the world has given much attention to IQ, EQ is just as important. Individuals who lack the ability to relate to others are destined to fail at some of life's most significant challenges and will not fulfill some of their most important responsibilities and roles. By nature, many boys are inwardly directed. While girls learn how to read emotional signals and connect, many boys lack the capacity to do so, and seemingly fail to understand the absence of these skills. While a man is to demonstrate emotional strength, constancy and steadfastness, he must be able to relate to his wife, his children, his peers, his colleagues and a host of others in a way that demonstrates respect, understanding and appropriate empathy. This will not be learned by playing video games and by entering into the privatized world experienced by many male adolescents.
10. Social maturity sufficient to make a contribution to society.
While the arena of the home is an essential and inescapable focus of a man's responsibility, he is also called out of the home into the workplace and the larger world as a witness, and as one who will make a contribution to the common good. God has created human beings as social creatures, and even though our ultimate citizenship is in heaven, we must also fulfill our citizenship on earth. A boy must learn to fulfill a political responsibility as a citizen, and a moral responsibility as a member of a human community. The Christian man bears a civilizational responsibility, and boys must be taught to see themselves as shapers of the society even as the church is identified by our Lord as both salt and light. Similarly, a Christian man must learn how to relate to unbelievers, both as witness and as fellow citizens of an earthly kingdom.
11. Verbal maturity sufficient to communicate and articulate as a man.
A man must be able to speak, to be understood and to communicate in a way that will honor God and convey God's truth to others. Beyond the context of conversation, a boy must learn how to speak before larger groups, overcoming the natural intimidation and fear that comes from looking at a crowd, opening one's mouth, and projecting words. Though not all men will become public speakers, every man should have the ability to take his ground, frame his words, and make his case when truth is under fire and when belief and conviction must be translated into argument.
12. Character maturity sufficient to demonstrate courage under fire.
The literature of manhood is replete with stories of courage, bravery and audacity. At least, that's the way it used to be. Now, with manhood both minimalized and marginalized by cultural elites, ideological subversion and media confusion, we must recapture a commitment to courage that is translated into the real-life challenges faced by the Christian man. At times, this quality of courage is demonstrated when a man risks his own life in defense of others, especially his wife and children, but also anyone who is in need of rescue. More often, this courage is demonstrated in taking a stand under hostile fire, refusing to succumb to the temptation of silence and standing as a model and example to others, who will then be encouraged to stand their own ground. In these days, biblical manhood requires great courage. The prevailing ideologies and worldviews of this age are inherently hostile to Christian truth and are corrosive to Christian faithfulness. It takes great courage for a boy to commit himself to sexual purity and for a man to devote himself unreservedly to his wife. It takes great courage to say no to what this culture insists are the rightful pleasures and delights of the flesh. It takes courage to serve as a godly husband and father, to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It takes courage to maintain personal integrity in a world that devalues the truth, disparages God's word, and promises self-fulfillment and happiness only through the assertion of undiluted personal autonomy. A man's true confidence is rooted in the wells of courage, and courage is evidence of character. In the end, a man's character is revealed in the crucible of everyday challenges. For most men, life will also bring moments when extraordinary courage will be required, if he is to remain faithful and true.
13. Biblical maturity sufficient to lead at some level in the church.
A close look at many churches will reveal that a central problem is the lack of biblical maturity among the men of the congregation and a lack of biblical knowledge that leaves men ill equipped and completely unprepared to exercise spiritual leadership. Boys must know their way around the biblical text, and feel at home in the study of God's Word. They must stand ready to take their place as leaders in the local church. While God has appointed specific officers for his church—men who are specially gifted and publicly called — every man should fulfill some leadership responsibility within the life of the congregation. For some men, this may mean a less public role of leadership than is the case with others. In any event, a man should be able to teach someone, and to lead in some ministry, translating his personal discipleship into the fulfillment of a godly call. There is a role of leadership for every man in every church, whether that role is public or private, large or small, official or unofficial. A man should know how to pray before others, to present the Gospel, and to stand in the gap where a leadership need is apparent.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My song Guitar
I composed this clip, and added background noise to copyright. Will Sell.
Monday, August 31, 2009
23For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
24Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
25Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;
26To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
27Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
19th Birthday Poem
and shes getting a bunch of attention on her birthday (mostly guys)
and its a great opportunity to preach, i hope she did
The christian as a mirror
Tho you've turned 21 minus 2
And that its your birthday is totally true
Just stop, and remember the essence
This day is not about you.
Stop the fuss and the flurry
And remember who deserves
All the glory
The attention feels good, i know,
But as a christian , let it show,
When people shine the spotlight on you,
Just reflect it back UP where its due
At the same time they will see
the image of God in thee.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Trend forecaster gerald celente
buut noooo you wont believe it. you want prophets that tickle your ears. like the obamantion thats in office right now. you don't care about truth.
Bernanke's a loser
this guy is a rat, a fraud, a thug. he's in on the grand theft of americans.
Do u know what the government printing money does to you? Probably not, you've probably been in public school all your life. Inflation. That means that the paper money you have gets cheaper. Suppose your dollar was worth 1 dollar of gold. If i printed another dollar bill, both our dollar bills would now cost 50 cents each. Literally theft.
So dont drink the poison the ol' Bernanke snake spits at you.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Bible Study
But the minority, Caleb and Joshua, said "we'll eat 'em for breakfast because god is with us". But the people started crying and screaming and pouting, so god said fine, you won't enter. And after they calmed down a little they decided to go ahead and enter but God was not with them, so they got butchered.
Now the topic of the study was about murmuring and rebelling.
We missed the biggest point. That Israel did not obey God and they did not enter, and only Joshua and Caleb believed in God.
This reflects our situation today. We are afraid of the wicked, we do not fight for God's kingdom, we just say "these are the end times, evil MUST prevail for god to do anything about it..." we just let the devil take his course with the world and he just laughs his head off because he has blinded the only Bearer of Light in the world- the church. I don't mean to say the Church is done for but we as a local church are definitely not doing what God left us on this earth to do.
So again...
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
More on Free Will
When he chose to disobey, he died and became a slave to sin and so unregenerate man does not have a free will.
Therefore, he can never choose the good.
Thats why only God can save man, and only whom He chooses.
Once saved we have a free will because we are no longer slaves to sin.
We still sin because we have the old nature in our bodies, so when we get the new body, then we will never sin again. Because even now we with our mind serve God but our body fights against it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
God's Will
Then theres God's will for you as a man or woman. -
man - 26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
woman - Prov 31
-15 She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.
Gen. 2:18And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
And if you do both of these, then God will reveal to you His specific will and calling.
And now...
Do with all your heart, as for God, what you have at hand. If you take responsibility and do what you see needs done, then God will use that to prepare you for whatever He has planned.
My dad kept telling me "get a job, earn some money," and what was i to expect- im 18 and no serious income through me.
Well, i tried applying the usual way, at stores and such, but it just leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth, having to work for some stranger.
So i decided that God would have to provide me with a job if He wanted me to have one, but in the meantime, i would take the responsibility my dad put on me (to make sure the church cleaning got done well) seriously. I can't say i did extremly well, but i tried harder and checked after everybody did their part.
And about a month later, Vick tells me im going with him to the bay area to work for Mr. Otterstad's Oakland Hills Brush Clearing service. And now im realizing how blessed i am for this job. And that i must be faithful here too, until God calls me elsewhere. That means working hard because i must admit i have a lazy streak in me. I hate it. But im sure one of the reasons im at this is because God wants to root that out of me. Praise God!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
St Patrick
Patrick answered confidently. "Nothing is impossible to God. Turn to him and he will send us food for our journey."
At that moment, a herd of pigs appeared, "seeming to block our path." Though Patrick instantly became "well regarded in their eyes," his companions offered their new-found food in sacrifice to their pagan gods.
Patrick did not partake.-
read the whole biography (not too long at all) on
Thursday, May 28, 2009
free will
work day 2
started early (around 8:30)
not too tired tho the hills were steep and the soil soft and crumbly
i like
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
but i haven't read from the Bible today so im gonna go do that right now. cya
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Free Will
Monday, March 30, 2009
I had to paint two rooms twice. Usually i hate to do something so monotonous but this time i didn't notice it, time just flew by just because i tried not to think about how boring it is. (it wasn't)
There's a difference between work and futility in work. And this time it wasn't a futile job because the paint was just right and the method was good (long pole with roller). But the most important thing is to realize that you're not working for money, for the boss, for yourself or for free; but that you're working for God and that you must do it as for Him. Really. No mind -bending here. Its not just a mind-set, its true. We belong to Jesus Christ, and we answer to Him. If you do your work as for Him, He will repay you for every work you do just as much as a missionary's work. Theologically sound. Study it out.
I work for God.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
On "What will you do when you grow up?"
We don't necessarily need to dig deep and stress out about finding a "career" because God is preparing us in the circumstances we are in.
Wherever you are, be content.
Modification to the bow

i added two planks of bamboo on the arms between the handle and fiberglass plank (for extra strength)
so this is what it looks like
i'll finish it off by wrapping the whole thing with sports tape (maybe camouflaged)
it has about a 20-25# draw weight (that means the power it has in #per sq in if you pull the string back to 28'' )
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Lesson From Driving
I thought i was doing ok for someone who's been driving for a month.
On the streets that i know (between church and home) i probably was ok. But on the freeway its a different story.
Anyway, i got a bunch of errors and barely got my license which i think was the best way for God to have answered my prayers because i was getting (already!) a bit heady so God reminded me to be humble, always be careful, and always have a disposition to learn.
(by the way i did the test in south sac)
...He shall save the humble person. Job 22:29
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
On Reponsibility
Now, i have worked with a couple of different contractors and each one has a different level of trust in my abilities so he entrusts me with a job that he thinks i can do well. Me being a young man and not experienced, i usually got small jobs like carrying lumber from the truck to the house or finish hammering the nails in a brace (metal joint for beams).
This time, (due to his trust or maybe negligence) i was entrusted with decking the balcony (cover the beams with planks for the floor).
The small jobs don't require much skill but decking does.
And here is my point. When i got small errands, i did them as a servant. "Go do this, do that" "Yes sir". But when given more responsibility, i actually thought a bit, measured, calculated, carefully cut, and patiently screwed in all the planks, and double checked each screw.
I was more responsible because i was given more responsibility (obviously not more than i could handle).
Thats why i believe kids should be given more responsibilities as they get older. Acceptance of responsibility i what maturity really is.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Reading Today
1 John 3:23 And this is His commandment, That we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another as he gave us commandment.
1 John 3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
1 John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation (sacrifice) for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
The fact that it is hard to love somebody (they're annoying, no fun, mean, ugly, disrespectful) is what makes it like God's love for us. So don't give yourself excuses. Do the right thing.
If a man say, 'I love God', and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
Monday, March 23, 2009
My latest project
im making a bow.
i found a fiberglass "plank" about 1.5 in. wide 5.5ft. long 1/4 in. thick.
porbably from some old construction zone sign.
since its very flexible, i decided to make a bow out of it but it would be very weak if i left it as it was. maybe 20# draw weight max.
so im going to make a hardwood handle for it to keep the middle section (about 1' long)
straight and thus the ''arms'' would provide the force instead of the middle section (double strength).
right now im wondering if i should bolt the handle on or just glue it and wrap it with sports tape.
so i estimate it will have about 30 # of draw weight.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Do you not work for God? How then can you go to the government for aid when you are employed by the richest Guy in the universe? No idealism here. A Christian man will always have a job. Our work is to follow Him.
John 6:28,29
28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
He will always provide for us. He promised. If we believe in Him we'll always have enough.
Did you ever think about helping a widow or someone who can't pay you back? NO? Maybe you always choose the best-paying job. Is that right? Do you serve money or God?
John 6:24
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Is there really nothing to do around your house or your mother's house or a friends house?
Take the opportunity you have right now with all the free time you have to do those things you can't do while "employed".
And... Have thy tools ready. God will find thee work. Charles Kingsley
Sharpen your chisels and fix the cord on your circular saw, fix the hammer handle and refill you screw bucket. Use your time well.
And get to work!
Friday, March 13, 2009
On High School
Then i heard about Tim Bueler who challenged his teachers' omniscience and started a conservative hotline for kids to rat out bad teachers that pushed liberal ideas on the kids during instruction time.
That got me excited and i decided that, since i still had a couple of years in high school, i would go to my local high school and try the same thing. It didn't turn out exactly as i thought it might, but i did learn some valuables things which you can benefit from.
1. You must have a well-defined plan and goal. When you have a purpose decisions are easier to make.
2. You must be ready to preach the gospel at every opportunity that comes up. (there are many)
3. You should have a good partner that's in it "all the way". (best if in the same classes)
4. You must challenge the teacher and even the whole class on subjects that contradict Biblical teaching.
5. Over all you must not be afraid of "what man can do". That means you should be ready to sacrifice your good grades for Jesus Christ, and don't give in to peer pressure even on small matters. (like changing in the locker room; i hated that so i just went into a bathroom stall to change)
As for the enviornment in a high school, it is horrible! Simply oppressive!. I felt like Lot in Sodom. The girls dress like prostitutes and the guys like hoboes. Every day at least one kid gets caught with drugs, not to mention the ones that get away regularly. Everywhere you turn there are people making out.
If you notice, these are vices. As for virtues like respect, (for elders and peers) obedience honesty, respect, willingness to learn, purity, respect, morality, and selflessness are unheard of. Its disgusting and i'm glad i finally got out of there!
Pray for those that haven't.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Christian Perspective of a Boss
We might have a bad boss or a mean manager, but all our work is to be done as to the Lord, not men. The boss may be the man writing out the monthly check but God is the One who blesses his bussines.
Your attitude before the boss could influence his impression of your character, but if God is more important in your life, and He should be, then the hidden man (when you're alone) counts more.
Pleasing God is more important. Make that your priority.
p.s. I'm no great theologian, i just read this during my Bible study time and i find myself lacking in this area.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
First Entry
Every decision must be made with God, none without Him.
I have many resources on hand and lots of time so most of it ill spend reading books, listening to sermons, studying the Bible while copying it and lots of praying.
Oh yeah, i got an e-mail about the House Bill that will shut down free speech in churches businesses and any organization by disallowing anyone to refuse service to perverts!!
And you all rant and rave at "why do you always single out the sin of sodomy" and its plain that they're the only ones pushing all this demonic legislature to BAN THE CHURCH FROM SOCIETY!!!
So please pray this bill doesn't pass. I mean it. All these prayer requests are usually ignored. Don't let it pass. prayer has POWER.